“Everything you need is on the inside of you.”
7 Key Principals to Maximize Business Growth
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So Happy You're Here!
Nicci is a U.S. Army Combat Veteran who served in Iraq in 2003. She’s the Founder of Faith Hope Love for Veterans, a nonprofit based in Charlotte, NC that connects Veterans in need to resources in the community. Faith Hope Love for Veterans is committed to ending Veteran homelessness and is currently devising a plan for sustainable housing in Charlotte, NC, where Veterans can have a sense of community, pride and home ownership.
As a next level mindset life and business strategist, she’s the CEO of Walking in Power and Purpose Academy, a company that helps women, who are frustrated, stuck, overwhelmed, unhappy, unfulfilled and know that there’s more in life and inside of them, overcome barriers, hurdles and challenges in their life to supercharge their business growth to achieve the results that they want and deserve.
- US Army Combat Veteran
- Founder Faith Hope Love for Veterans
- Next Level Mindset Life and Business Strategist
- Keynote Speaker
- Next Level Mindset Life and Business Strategist
Activate the faith inside of you
About Nicci Dougherty
- The trials
- The sleepless nights
- The unknown
- The failure
- The brokeness
- The long crying nights
- The questioning myself
- The fear
- The self doubt
- The self sabatoge
- The negavtive mindset
- The lack of committment
- The lack of funds
- The lack of discpline
I said YES to sharing my secrets on how I made it and am now walking in PURPOSE and POWER and NEVER GAVE UP!
- I’m a survivor of being a Combat Veteran in a war zone of Iraq in 2003
- I’m a survivor of PTSD
- I’m a survivor of Divorce
- I’m a survivor of car repossessions
- I’m a survivor of bankruptcy
- I’m a survivor of eviction notices
- I’m a survivor of 6 major deaths in my family back to back for 3 years right after I said yes to the purpose and call on my life -grandmother/brother/aunts/uncle
- I’m a survivor of single motherhood WHILE building my business AND at one point working full time as well AND wanting to give up and throw in the towel several times
- I’m a survivor of being a Mary Kay Sales Director-on stage winning diamonds, driving a Mary Kay Sales Director car for free, wearing the fancy suits AND THEN LOSING IT ALL A FEW YEARS LATER
- I’m a survivor of a spiritual journey where I answered the call on my life to move to NC from OH 5 years ago where I risked it all by saying YES to God. I quit my 70K a year Government job, left all my family, withdrew my 9 yr old daughter out of school during winter break ( she didn’t even get a chance to say good bye to her friends) packed up my SUV (with the dog) AND LEFT EVERYTHING!!!!! YES I SAID EVERYTHING!!! I came to NC moneyless, homeless and jobless BUT NOT HOPELESS!!! All I had was a word from God!
- ~ You can’t see in the fog-Clarity is key for your purpose
- ~ No more playing small-Believe in yourself for bigger
- ~ Out with the old, in with the new-Old limiting beliefs VS new and empowering beliefs
- ~ Get off the roller coaster-Say enough is enough today I make a decision and my life changes
- ~ Take the pen-Create the life that you want to live NOW-we can’t change the past BUT you can be in control of designing your future
Walking in Power and Purpose Academy
It’s time to unlock the path in front of you AND only YOU have the key
Walking in Power and Purpose Academy will teach you:
It’s all about failing/learning and trying on a repeat process.
You don’t have time for staying in the fear/doubt/sabotage/failure loop.
Learn how to focus your attention to achieve the desired result that you want.
Shift your auto pilot habits of doing what you’ve always done and and make conscious decisions to move forward to achieve massive results that you desire.
Time to align yourself with your passion and purpose Go from being stuck to being unstoppable.
Time to operate in your true self and find your voice that is needed in the earth which leads to a happy and a fulfilled life.
It’s time for you to answer the call to live the abundant life that you were meant to live inside and out.
Create your own success and opportunities.
It’s time to live out your wildest dreams.
It’s time for you to be committed to your future and own your destiny.
Time to rewire your brain Learn to stay in alignment Increase self confidence Activate the faith inside of you.
“Everything you need is on the inside of you.”
As Seen On:
Nicci helps you discover the answer to questions like:
What is it that you truly desire?
What is it that you truly desire?
Do you know exactly the results that you want to achieve?
Do you know exactly the results that you want to achieve?
What is it that you truly desire?
What is it that you truly desire?
IF you continue to do what you’re doing, will you end up where you want to be?
IF you continue to do what you’re doing, will you end up where you want to be?
Are you on the path that will totally eradicate the need for you to ever have to work for someone else again?
Are you on the path that will totally eradicate the need for you to ever have to work for someone else again?
Are the things that you’re doing in your private life leading you to your destiny?
Are the things that you’re doing in your private life leading you to your destiny?
Are you ready to make some hard decisions?
Are you ready to make some hard decisions?
Are you ready to trust the process and the journey?
Are you ready to trust the process and the journey?
Have you been stuck on a detour and you’re finally ready to get back on the right path?
Have you been stuck on a detour and you’re finally ready to get back on the right path?
Nicci not only motivates you...
but she gives you action steps that are designed for you to move forward to results.